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Shrimps from Aldea el Cebollito

Allan started his aquaculture project like many entrepreneurs: going into debt. With technical and financial assistance from AGEXPORT and a bank of the system, it began its adventure that today produces about 800 quintals of shrimp for each harvest cycle.

On the way between Monterrico and Hawaii, on the Guatemalan Pacific coast, the landscape repeats itself: pools where shrimp or tilapia are produced. This is not exclusive to the area, because in the country this way of life has been spreading.

Allan’s case is a particular one. What started with debt has turned into half a dozen man-made ponds where a variety of technologies are used to harvest thousands of shrimp in three annual cycles.

Before the laboratory, Allan Gómez witnessed what the trade was like: it was artisanal fishing from estuaries or from the sea – with lower yields -. Your next step will be to export, because the quality already has it.

By: DataExport