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Inversiones que generan valor compartido

Investments that generate shared value

Corporación Multi Inversiones is a multilatina family corporation of Central American origin that generates investment, employment and development in the region. CMI began its work in 1920 in Guatemala, having an exponential growth, consolidating itself as a corporation made up of more than 40 thousand collaborators distributed in 8 business units with a presence in 15 countries on three continents. Each business unit constantly seeks to create a sustainable impact in the communities where it has a presence, offering excellence and quality in its products and services. Multi-Proyectos, the real estate development unit of -CMI-, is in charge of the real estate business, selling offices, shopping centers and different horizontal and vertical housing projects.

In 2019 alone, the corporation invested more than US $ 95 million in its recent construction projects. This represents a significant support to the local economy, with the generation of temporary and permanent jobs in each project.

It should be noted that the main facade of the shopping centers use green walls and natural plants from the region with a drip irrigation system that saves 40% of water, compared to traditional means.

Another of the most representative projects of the corporation is the Renace Hydroelectric, which for 27 years has been strengthening the energy matrix and the economy of Guatemala, through the generation of clean and renewable energy, covering 16% of the country’s energy demand and reducing electricity rates by 26%.

Renace has a social investment strategy of more than US $ 30 million, which has resulted in the improvement of the social indicators of San Pedro Carchá.

In addition, it has a pyramidal strategy designed specifically for the protection and conservation of the environment and biodiversity with an investment of approximately US $ 1 million per year.

Among the different actions, Renace has a Waste Management Program in the plant and waste collection, which on average annually removes 10 tons of garbage from the Cahabón River.

Gracias a la generación de energía de Renace se han dejado de emitir 128 mil toneladas de dióxido de carbono al año, lo que equivale lo producido por 550 mil carros anualmente.

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